Assessing 2023 & Looking Forward to 2024

2023 was a difficult year for investors but as we take a breath and after assessing 2023, it can best be summarized as The Bard wrote, “All’s well that ends well.” Bears Controlled the 2023 Narrative In 2023, the Bears controlled the narrative – inflation and interest rates were going to move unstoppably higher, recession…

Questioning Persistent High Inflation and Deep Recession

In the past week or so, the markets, I suggest, have begun to question the prevailing conventional wisdom that inflation will remain persistently high and that the economy is likely to fall into a deep recession. This article explores why. >> To subscribe to this monthly newsletter, click on Subscribe! Commodity Prices & Payroll Suggest Moderating…

The Lonely Life of a Contrarian Investor

Contrarian investors lead lonely lives. There are many flavors of investors.  Some follow momentum.  Some are broad asset allocators.  Some are short-term traders.  There are a lot of ways to make money in the market.  There is no one answer. Even further, different strategies can be effective at different times. Contrarians Take Positions Against Prevailing Conventional…